Aircraft refueling Efficiency
Aircraft refueling

Engine-Out Taxi

Aircraft during taxi Identify engine-out taxi “opportunities” based on predicted taxi-in time and engine cool-down requirements

Estimate expected fuel-savings

Evaluate actual fuel savings after implementation

Potential Savings for 100 Narrow-Body Aircraft ≈ $750,000 / Year

Potential Savings for 25 Wide-Body Aircraft ≈ $200,000 / Year

Aircraft during taxi

Identify engine-out taxi “opportunities” based on predicted taxi-in time and engine cool-down requirements

Estimate expected fuel-savings

Evaluate actual fuel savings after implementation

Potential Savings for 100 Narrow-Body Aircraft ≈ $750,000 / Year

Potential Savings for 25 Wide-Body Aircraft ≈ $200,000 / Year

APU Usage

Identify Optimal APU start time based on expected gate arrival and APU warmup requirements

APU exhaust vent
Identify Optimal APU shutdown time based on number of engines running during taxi out

Calculate excess APU usage and resulting fuel burn

Calculate APU fuel usage at gate between flights (including overnight)

Potential Savings for a mixed fleet of 100 aircraft ≈ $600,000 / Year

APU exhaust vent

Identify Optimal APU shutdown time based on number of engines running during taxi out

Calculate excess APU usage and resulting fuel burn

Calculate APU fuel usage at gate between flights (including overnight)

Potential Savings for a mixed fleet of 100 aircraft ≈ $600,000 / Year

Planned-Fuel Accuracy

Flight navigation map Tail-Specific Fuel-Flow Models

Fusion of Wind Forecasts, Historic Data, and Reported Winds

Airport Fuel Specific-Energy

Data-driven Engine Wash Intervals

Probabilistic Planned Taxi and Contingency Fuels

Potential Savings for a mixed fleet of 100 aircraft ≈ $2,000,000 / Year

Flight navigation map

Tail-Specific Fuel-Flow Models

Fusion of Wind Forecasts, Historic Data, and Reported Winds

Airport Fuel Specific-Energy

Data-driven Engine Wash Intervals

Probabilistic Planned Taxi and Contingency Fuels

Potential Savings for a mixed fleet of 100 aircraft ≈ $2,000,000 / Year

Optimized Climb Power

Engine thrust after reduction from takeoff setting determines how soon the Top of Climb (TOC) is reached

Airliner in flight
Climb thrust schedule, including “taper” vs. pressure altitude can be adjusted to optimize trip specific range

Potential Savings for 100 Narrow-Body Aircraft ≈ $3,000,000 / Year

Potential Savings for 25 Wide-Body Aircraft ≈ $900,000 / Year

Airliner in flight

Engine thrust after reduction from takeoff setting determines how soon the Top of Climb (TOC) is reached

Climb thrust schedule, including “taper” vs. pressure altitude can be adjusted to optimize trip specific range

Potential Savings for 100 Narrow-Body Aircraft ≈ $3,000,000 / Year

Potential Savings for 25 Wide-Body Aircraft ≈ $900,000 / Year

Winds Aloft

Simulation of airflow over wing and fuselage Uncertainty in forecasted wind velocities accounts for large uncertainty in planned fuel, resulting in increased weight

Fusing conventional winds-aloft forecasts with route-specific historical data, plus reported winds from other aircraft, can reduce this uncertainty.

Inflight adjustment of cruise altitude in response to current winds, as well as predicted winds along future track, results in additional efficiency.

Potential Savings for 100 Narrow-Body Aircraft ≈ $500,000 / Year

Potential Savings for 25 Wide-Body Aircraft ≈ $3,000,000 / Year

Simulation of airflow over wing and fuselage

Uncertainty in forecasted wind velocities accounts for large uncertainty in planned fuel, resulting in increased weight

Fusing conventional winds-aloft forecasts with route-specific historical data, plus reported winds from other aircraft, can reduce this uncertainty.

Inflight adjustment of cruise altitude in response to current winds, as well as predicted winds along future track, results in additional efficiency.

Potential Savings for 100 Narrow-Body Aircraft ≈ $500,000 / Year

Potential Savings for 25 Wide-Body Aircraft ≈ $3,000,000 / Year

Winglet Retrofit Cost/Benefit Analysis

Vendor estimates are optimistic

Airplane wing with winglet
Actual benefit depends on air distance of flight leg, aileron “droop”, and cruise flight condition

Quantify the benefit achieved for each flight of your retrofitted aircraft

Airplane wing with winglet

Vendor estimates are optimistic

Actual benefit depends on air distance of flight leg, aileron “droop”, and cruise flight condition

Quantify the benefit achieved for each flight of your retrofitted aircraft